When searching "Black, White, and Red" on Google Images, I noticed that the first related search was "black white and red weddings". Apparently this is a thing. Red, I guess I understood, but black? Caivano and Lopez in "The Rhetoric of black, white, and red" offer one explanation; that is, that the combination of red and black has an elegant feel. 

Scanning through the images the search brought up, there were also quite a few images of flowers - like roses - and "black white and red flowers" was also listed as a related search. Besides these, there were some ads that were certainly using "the seduction of color advertising". 

A main theme I noticed in between these other themes was rather dark, artsy pictures. The women with white faces, black hair and red lips, the man in a white shirt and black suit with blood on his arm and a red tie, or even a black bunny zipping into a bloody white bunny costume (?!?). This mix of red dresses, guns, blood, and peonies on achromatic backgrounds is unsettling, to say the least. Definitely more of a Dracula feel than a Jesus Christ feel. I have to say that these things always bring me back to the cover design of Stephanie Meyer's "Twilight": pale arms, black background, and that one red, red apple. Vampires.

The color scheme for vampires is really too perfect. You think of a vampire and there is red blood, white skin, and black clothes. But you also think elegant, don't you? Seductive? They've got their methods for drawing in the women. And the portrayal of vampires with these colors adds to the seductiveness and elegance of them, does it not?

Maybe it's just what teen pop culture is in to right now, but this whole vampire craze affects more than just the sales of pointy fake teeth. It also affects how we might be viewing a color combination.

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