Many product images and icons with the color combinations red, white and black have been constructed throughout modern history: The Target bulls-eye, Coca-Cola and Wisconsin’s Bucky Badger are just a few examples. The Rhetoric of Black, White and Red illustrates the common use of these colors in advertising, depicting the cultural and emotional connections that they convey. Target’s commercials routinely employ the use of red and white, or red, white and black. Each of these colors is visually appealing on its own, but together the use is quite striking. The images shown are often lively, energetic and engaging. The viewer knows it is a commercial but is pulled in by the bold use of color and quality editing. Sometimes the spots do not even feature the items that they sell in store; instead they are selling the lifestyle, culture and pathos of the Target brand.
According to Caivano and Lopez, “the aim is that the receptor performs an action (to make or stop making something, to think or buy something)” (2003). For Target, this message is often introduced in television commercials, continued through mail advertising, and bridged via the company’s website. The message is completely realized at the store level, where the receptor aka “guest” in Target terminology, has chosen to walk into the red and white world of trying and buying. The color triad can finally engage the guest to the fullest. It is here that the guest will read signage in black text on white backgrounds, complemented by red bulls-eyes. It is a world made simple by these colors.
The following video clip on illustrates the common triad of red, white and black. This artistic commercial features professional dancers moving in Target colors and shapes. It is an elegant and aspirational look for the brand. Notice that there are no featured items to buy, just imagery. This lets the receptor/guest enjoy the brand without any pressure to buy.  It is a Target  kaleidoscope for the senses.
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