The theory that revolves around the concept of the given, ideal, new, and real is one that I consistently sea whenever I look at an advertisement.  It’s a rhetorical theory that is evident it not just current adds but older ones as well.  For example, the add below is an old coca cola advertisement. The heading “Thirst asks nothing more” is considered the ideal portion of the advertisement.  It would be ideal if you had a coca cola because your thirst doesn’t want anything else other than a coca cola.  Moving in a clockwise motion the image of the coca cola being poured into a glass can be seen as the “new”.  The coke being poured is a brand new fresh glass of coke.  The wording “ice-cold” on the side of the machine help reinforce that the coke product is fresh and new.  In terms of the “real” portion of the bottom of the article there is a small black and white picture.  The difference between this picture and the color image above is that the color image is a drawing while the picture below is a real person drinking a coke.  The last portion of the advertisement is considered the given and is located on the right side of the ad.  The given fact here is that coca cola is “delicious and refreshing”.  The add indicates their confidence in their product and encourages further use of coca cola products.  Even in old advertising these 4 rhetorical aspects of advertisements are consistently reflected.

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  1. They really did a great job didn't they? I don't know how old you are but I lived it. Even then the ad seemed old fashioned. I think it was that it replicated the experience of drinking the coke that made it so exciting. We loved the corner drugstores where we could get it fresh from the fountain or buying it in a bottle. Now it's so big that we don't have to go very far to get some.

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